s a b a h p a r k s


Frequently Asked Question

General Questions

This is a few list of frequently asked question that we collected at the moment. We will improve the faq content from time to time.

How do I book for Mount Kinabalu Climbing?
Booking period for 2022 can be made via booking.sabahparks.org.my. As for 2023 booking period, the current existing url will be replaced with new url which is reservation.sabahparks.org.my. The booking system are jointly administered by Teraz Global.
How many hostel does Sabah Parks manage at Mount Kinabalu?
I would like to fly my drone at some park area, are there any document that I need to filled up or fee that I need to pay?
I'm interested in diving at Sipadan Island, how can I book for a dive?

Online Services

The parks management provide multiple online services and some of the various online services that we provide get tons of question, here's some of the question that we collected.

I would like to do a research on certain fields at some park areas, what are the documentation needed?
To do research at park areas, you may proceed registering with our online research permit at https://researchpermit.sabahparks.org.my. Once you have register with the application, you may find a tutorial on how to apply for research permit. Here's some important document that you have to prepare :
  • Research Proposal
  • Supporting Documents